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Natural Stone Design Washbasin in the Guest WC.

The highlight of this guest WC is clearly the washbasin. Its seamless integration into the surrounding countertop and the addition of copper and wood elements give it a creative, high-quality design touch, which you can see for yourself in our showroom in Weinfelden.

Used Stones

  • Collection Natural Stone Collection
  • Origin
  • Material Quarzite
  • Area Indoor, Outdoor
  • Color White

Kitchen Planning

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Anfragen werden Montags bis Freitag von 09:00 bis 17:00 Uhr bearbeitet.

  • Design Waschtisch aus Naturstein im Gästebad
  • Naturstein Design Waschbecken im Gäste WC
Design Waschbecken für Gäste WC

The Design Washbasin as an Eye-Catcher.

The voluminous design of the washbasin makes it the dominant interior design element in the small guest WC. The light colors of the washbasin and wall, as well as the generous illumination of the bathroom with lights in a ring-shaped design, make the small area appear large and inviting, despite the space-consuming washbasin.

Design Waschtisch mit Unterschrank

Design Washbasin with Vanity Unit.

The design washbasin is complemented by a perfectly matching vanity unit. And “matching” is exactly the right keyword in this guest bathroom: the rounded edge of the washbasin can also be found on the vanity unit, the crystal-like pattern of the Quarzite Moet harmonizes with the texture of the white design wallpaper and the copper-coloured fittings are the ideal colour complement to the reddish wood tones of the vanity unit.

More Natural Stone Washbasins

Experience Baths and Spas.

We present fascinating stone Baths and Spas in our showrooms. Experience a variety of design ideas and let our specialist staff advise you.

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Further Baths and Spas from Natural Stone.

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