Nutzen Sie Ihre Merkliste um Steine schneller wiederzufinden, Verfügbarkeiten anzufragen oder um uns Ihre Favoriten bei einer Terminbuchung zu senden, sodass wir Sie vor Ort optimal beraten können.
Even the most robust natural stone can sometimes need a little attention. If you would like to book our repair service or find out more about it, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our experienced service team carries out all repair work professionally on site and brings back the original look of your stone that you once fell in love with. Our professional staff has many years of expertise and experience in the field of stone processing and repair works. Broken edges or hairline cracks are competently repaired by our stone repair service. We also take on all polishing and refreshing work. Convince yourself of our services and contact us for your individual repair concept.
Book our service for a professional natural stone repair. Please use our inquiry form or contact our employees directly.
In our magazine we regularly publish tips, instructions and useful information on the subject of stone repair, stone care or our repair and maintenance service. How do I care for my natural stone properly? How can I avoid contamination and what to do in case of damage? A look is worthwhile in any case.