Nutzen Sie Ihre Merkliste um Steine schneller wiederzufinden, Verfügbarkeiten anzufragen oder um uns Ihre Favoriten bei einer Terminbuchung zu senden, sodass wir Sie vor Ort optimal beraten können.

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Real Stein

As Swiss experts for natural stone, we offer all services related to the most beautiful raw material in the world — for private customers, architects, bathroom and kitchen manufacturers, designers and everyone who shares our passion.

  • Helle Marmor Design-Küchen auf der Küchenausstellung Weinfelden
  • Naturstein Dusche in der Badezimmer Ausstellung
  • Kücheninsel aus beigem Marmor auf der Küchenausstellung
  • Natursteinwand innen im Wohnzimmer
  • Natursteinwand von Salvatori
Experience Natural Stone 01


Customers appreciate the professional advice from our experts. Experience creative spaces, noumerous possibilities of use and exclusive design objects at our stone exhibitions. Have your project planned professionally and find your desired natural stone from a selection of over 900 stones.

About us

Our company unites over 50 employees from different areas of expertise. What differs us are our individual skills and everyones very own perspective on stone – and what unites us is our passion for the most beautiful raw material in the world.

All from a Single Source 02


Natursteinhändler zeigt Kundin ein helles Steinmuster
Schweizer Natursteinhändler und Kundin in einer Beratung

We advise, plan, create, produce and install — from the individual kitchen worktop to the composition of fascinating natural stone interiors and exteriors. Always “Swiss Made” and everything from a single source.

All Services

Discover the variety of our materials in our online stone library. Explore our four collections or use our search filters to search through all stones according to your personal ideas and suitable for your project.

Material Selection

Experience Natural Stone.

Every natural stone creates a fascinating atmosphere and has a unique character. Experience it for yourself, visit our exhibitions.

Naturstein Bad Ausstellung
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