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A white double kitchen island made of quartzite.

Would you like a little more? How about two spacious kitchen islands made of white quartzite in one kitchen. Why not? This open-plan kitchen offers plenty of space. The solid stone blocks are not only true space wonders in this kitchen with a feel-good atmosphere, but above all the tone-setting design highlights. A thoroughly modern eat-in kitchen for lovers of aesthetic design.

Used Stones

  • Collection Natural Stone Collection
  • Origin
  • Material Quarzite
  • Area Indoor, Outdoor
  • Color White

Kitchen Planning

Start your Kitchen Planning with Real Stein. Book a non-binding consultation appointment with one of our specialist consultants for Kitchen Planning at our headquarters in Gibswil.

Anfragen werden Montags bis Freitag von 09:00 bis 17:00 Uhr bearbeitet.

  • Küchenabdeckung bzw. Küchen Arbeitsplatte aus Quarzit
  • Helle Marmor Design-Küchen auf der Küchenausstellung Weinfelden

White-matte quartzite
provides a sense of well-being.

The matte surface of Leblon gives the kitchen a soft feel, which is why its character could be described as very “homely”. However, it should be emphasized that this refers to a very modern form of homely design, characterized by the minimalist look of the central and the polygonal design of the outer kitchen island, as well as the uniform color scheme, which is also reflected in the wooden kitchen wall.

Mehr Naturstein Wände

Perfectly shaped function.

The kitchen island of white quartzite has, hidden in the stone, touch sensors to open and close the drawers and cabinets. The hob controls are also incorporated directly into the stone, creating the closed image of a “complete” block of stone.

Experience Kitchens.

We present fascinating stone Kitchens in our showrooms. Experience a variety of design ideas and let our specialist staff advise you.

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More references

Further Kitchens from Natural Stone.

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